Cat. No. 520/2013
The following is the Short List containing the Register Numbers of candidates who are found provisionally eligible to be called for interview, for selection to the post of ASSISTANT CHEMIST - Statewide (Category No. 520/2013) in TRAVANCORE TITANIUM PRODUCTS LIMITED Department on Rs 5890-15210 on the basis of the Objective Type Test (OMR)held on 12/12/2014.
The Register Numbers are arranged in their numerical sequence and the arrangement does not in any way, indicate their respective rank on the basis of the said test.
Main List
100008 100117 100153 100461 100616 100932 100955 100983 101017 101164 101540 101800
101950 102167 102175 102399 102503 102594 102718 103387 103517 103527 105678 106444
106530 107049 107487 107552 107800 108278 108392 108455 108696 109057 109643 109660
109949 110015 110453 110661 110797 110820 111105 111124 111235 111487 111633 111699
111753 111785 111893 112212 112333 112352 112608 112671 112680 113272 113400 113428
113701 113754 113878 113992 114245 114408 114413 114418 114631 114676
Supplementary List
100513 100773 100776 101343 101846 102529 102539 102839 104631 105138 105613 105747
106036 106105 107540 107583 107634 108111108803 108983 109484 109765 109975 110485
110542 110633 110674 111106 111832 111942 111979 112150 112640 112858 112873 112878
113164 113403 113483 113671 113702 114069 114114 114133 114221 114243 114608 114640
Scheduled Caste
100712 101446 102063 104135 105208 105547 108834 108977 109783 109984 110042 110191
110274 110280 110302 110440 110574 110916 111005 111083 111466 111895 112196 112277
112313 112483 112602 113347
Scheduled Tribe
100078 107266 107390 107413 113443 113463 114510
100102 100122 100546 101752 102431 103541103633 104507 105321 105433 105438 107506
107707 107983 107993 108641 109000 109664 110018 110515 110695 111054 111715 111794
111814 111881 111955 111963 112011 112077112078 112144 112155 112166 112175 112184
112195 112260 112879 113191 113464 113645
Latin Catholics/A.I.
100030 100169 101622 101726 102366 102536 102598 102716 105404 107498 107814 107825
109117 109631
100326 100466 104208 106676 107440 108667 111001 112965 113125 113918 114624
100131 100218 103053 105780 109838 111285 111496 111869 112990 113856 114674
SIUC Nadar
100066 100603 100902 101044 101737
104351 104452 105662 106820 107337
108258 109276 110162 110679 110786
Hindu Nadar
100378 100993 101223 101448 102795
List of Differently abled Candidates for 3% Reservation
Low Vision
Not eligible
Hearing Impairment
Not eligible
Locomotor Disability / Cerebral Palsy
Not eligible
Note:- (1) Inclusion of Register Numbers in this list is purely provisional subject to scrutiny and admission of application on absolute basis. Inclusion of Register numbers in the short list does not confer any right on the candidate for inclusion in the Ranked List.
Note:- (2) The list has been prepared by including eligible and qualified candidates who have secured top marks in the OMR Test.
Note :- (3) The candidates who have secured 79.67 (Seventy nine (point) six seven ) marks and above are included in the Main List of the short list.
Note:- (4) Candidates included in the short list should present and produce in person the original documents for verification. Date, Time and Venue of certificate verification and interview of candidates included in this short list will be intimated in due course.
Note:- (5) According to the existing procedure, revaluation of answer scripts is not allowed but answer scripts can be rechecked after the publication of Ranked List. Detailed instructions will be published in the Ranked List to be published for the post.
Note :- (6) SC/ST candidates included in the short list are required to produce two copies of community certificates issued by the revenue authority and candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes included in this list who are required to produce Non – CreamyLayer Certificate as per G.O (P) No: 81/09/SC/ST/DD dated 26.09.2009 shall produce the same along with the other documents mentioned above at the time of verification of original documents.
Note :- (7) Copy of answer scripts of the OMR Test held on 12/12/2014 will be issued to those candidates who, apply for the same remitting the prescribed fee after approval of the Ranked List. Candidates whose Register Numbers are invalidated are advised to refer to Notification No : ER II A (3) 4548/15/EW
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