Cat. No. 581/2014 29/01/2016
NOTIFICATIONThe Register Numbers are arranged in their numerical sequence and the arrangement does not in any way, indicate their respective rank on the basis of the said test.
The following is the Short List containing the Register Numbers of candidates who are found provisionally eligible to be called for interview, for selection to the post of HIGHERSECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHER(GEOGRAPHY)(SRFOR SC/STONLY) - Statewide (CategoryNo. 581/2014) in HIGHER SECONDARY EDUCATION DEPT. on`20740-36140/- on the basis of the Online Examination held on 25/11/2015.
Main List
100001 100002 100014 100016 100017 100018 100019 100025 100033 100036
Supplementary List
Scheduled Tribe
Note:-(2)The list has been prepared by including the number of candidates who have secured top marks in the Online Examination.
Note:- (3)The candidates who have secured 19.67 (Nineteen (point)six seven )marks and above are included in the Main List of the short list and the requisite marks have been lowered to the extent necessary in respect of the Supplementary list.
Note:-(3)Candidates included in the Short List should present and produce in person the original and self attested copies of documents for verification and interview. Date, Time and Venue of certificate verification and interview will be intimated in due course.
Note:- (4)Candidates included in the list shall produce 2 copiesof caste certificate obtained from Revenue Authorities not below the rank of Tahsildar as specified in Kerala Gazette,along with the documents mentioned above at the time of verification of original documents.
Note:-(5)For online examination, rechecking and revaluation are not allowed but printout of answer sheets will be issued to those candidates who apply for it remitting the prescribed fee after the publication of Ranked List. Detailed instructions will be published in the Ranked List to be published for the post.
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