Sunday, September 19, 2021

Kerala PSC secretariat office attendant short list 2021

Kerala PSC secretariat office attendant short list 2021
(Tenth level preliminary exam short list 2021)
State wide
Cat. No. 089/2019

The following is the eligibility list containing the register number of candidates who are found Provisionally eligible to appear for the Category wise Common Main Examination (Tenth Level).

Name of Post : Office Attendent - STATEWIDE 

Department : Govt Secretariat/KPSC/LFAD/KLS Department 

Scale of Pay : Rs.16500-35700 

The list is finalised on the basis of the Common Preliminary Examination held on 20/02/2021, 25/02/2021, 06/03/2021, 13/03/2021 and 03/07/2021. 

The register number of Candidates who attended the OMR Test on the above dates are prefixed with the following alphabets for identification.

Phase Alphabet Prefixed
Phase I A 
Phase II B 
Phase III C 
Phase IV D

The register numbers in the following list are arranged in the numerical sequence with alphabets prefixed and the arrangement does not in anyway, indicate their respective score in the said test.

A100001 A100010 A100011 A100013 A100018 A100058 A100209 A100214 A100225 A100241 A100305 A100353 A100372 A100438 A100506 A100513 A100514 A100545 A100686 A100701 A100703 A100704 A100718 A100720 A100753 A100789 A100878 A100904 A100971 A101073 A101194 A101197 A101203 A101205 A101207 A101208 A101215 A101299 A101308 A101484 A101493 A101504 A101514 A101516 A101517 A101561 A101643 A101664 A101691 A101692 A101763 A101794 A101805 A101808 A101811 A101814 A101815 A101819 A101820 A101832 A101890 A102105 A102106 A102110 A102114 A102115 A102116 A102117 A102119 A102120 A102201 A102203

Note 1.Inclusion of register numbers in this list is purely provisional. This inclusion does not confer any right on the candidate for inclusion in the Ranked list to be prepared on the basis of the Main Examination. 

Note 2. The register number of candidates who have secured top mark in the OMR Test (Common preliminary Exam Tenth Level) are included in the list. Since identical Register Numbers were allotted in more than one phase of the examination, the candidates should take particular care to ascertain their result by ensuring the alphabet indicating the phase of examination, prefixed to their Register Numbers, as in the table above.

Note 3. The candidates who have secured 76.1135 ( seventy six (point) one one three five ) Marks and above after standardisation in the Preliminary OMR test are included in the eligibility list. The minimum marks for various reservation communities have been lowered to ensure their adequate representation in the eligibility list. Candidates whose inclusion is due to the benefit of reservation to ensure adequate representation, shall have to prove their claim by producing Community Certificate/Non Creamy Layer Certificate at the time of One Time Registration Verification. If they are included in the list to be published after the final examinations. If they fail to prove their claim, their application will be summarily rejected. The marks of Differently abled candidates have also been lowered where ever necessary to ensure adequate representation. Such inclusion of Differently Abled candidates will also be subject to the production of valid documents in proof of their claim.

Note 4. The marks secured in the Common Preliminary Examination 10th level by the candidate will be considered only for ascertaining the eligibility to appear for the final exam and will not be considered for the purpose of final ranking and shall not have any relevance while preparing the Rank List for the post.

Note 5. If any of the documents produced by any candidate is found defective the Commission reserves the right for rejection of their candidature at any stage of selection as per rule.
Note 6. According to the existing procedure, revaluation of Answer Script is not allowed. But Answer Scripts will be rechecked if the candidates apply in the prescribed form available free of cost from the Enquiry Sections of the various Offices of the Commission or its photocopy, or downloaded and printed in A 4 size paper from the Commission`s website or photocopied along with prescribed fee of Rs. 85/- (Rupees Eighty Five Only) under
the Head of Account "0051 - PSC - 105 State PSC 99 -Examination Fee". Such applications should reach the Deputy Secretary (Examinations)-III, Kerala Public Service Commission, Pattom P.O., Thiruvananthapuram - 695004 on or before 04/10/2021 ie., within 15 (Fifteen) days from the date on which this Eligibility List is uploaded in the website of the Commission. Applications submitted in any other manner will not be considered. The candidates can avail only
one chance for rechecking after the Approval of Eligibility List within the time limit fixed above. Rechecking of answer scripts invalidated due to any defects will not be considered. Application for Rechecking received after the stipulated time will not be entertained and Fee once remitted will not be refunded. Candidates who have submitted the application for rechecking of the OMR answer scripts will be informed of their results through profile message only. Such message can be viewed by logging on to their `One Time Registration` profile using their User ID and Password.

Note 7. Candidates who wish to obtain a photocopy of their OMR Answer Sheets (Part A & Part B) relating to the above examination shall remit a Fee of Rs.335/- (Rupees Three Hundred and thirty five only) in any of the Treasuries in the State (Head of Account: 0051 - PSC - 800 - State PSC -99-Other Receipts). The duly filled in application in the prescribed form available from the official website of the Commission along with the original chalan should be submitted to the Deputy Secretary (Examinations)-III, Kerala Public Service Commission, Pattom P.O., Thiruvananthapuram- 695004. Such applications should reach the Deputy Secretary (Examinations)-III, Kerala Public Service Commission, Pattom P.O., Thiruvananthapuram - 695004 on or before 04/10/2021 ie., within 15 (Fifteen). days from the date on which this Eligibility List is uploaded in the website of the Commission. A copy of an answer sheet will be issued only once to a candidate. Copies of OMR answer sheets invalidated due to any defect will
not be issued. Candidates are prohibited from applying for copy of an answer sheet which is not their own, and legal proceedings will be initiated against those who do so. Applications received after the prescribed date will not be entertained and fees once remitted will not be refunded.

Note 8. Candidates whose Register Numbers are invalidated are advised to refer to the  invalidation Notifications


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