(CATEGORY No. 199/16)
Module I : Renaissance and freedom movement
Module II: General Knowledge and current affairs
Module III: Methodology of teaching the subject
♦ History/conceptual development. Need and Significance, Meaning Nature and Scope of the Subject.
♦ Correlation with other subjects and life situations.
♦ Aims, Objectives, and Values of Teaching - Taxonomy of Educational Objectives - Old and revised
♦ Pedagogic analysis- Need, Significance and Principles.
♦ Planning of instruction at Secondary level- Need and importance. Psychological bases of Teaching the subject - Implications of Piaget, Bruner, Gagne, Vygotsky, Ausubel and Gardener - Individual difference, Motivation, Maxims of teaching.
♦ Methods and Strategies of teaching the subject- Models of Teaching, Techniques of individualising instruction.
♦ Curriculum - Definition, Principles, Modern trends and organizational approaches, Curriculum reforms - NCF/KCF.
♦ Instructional resources- Laboratory, Library, Club,Museum- Visual and Audio-Visual aids - Community based resources - e-resources - Text book, Work book and Hand book.
♦ Assessment; Evaluation- Concepts, Purpose, Types, Principles, Modern techniques - CCE and Grading- Tools andtechniques - Qualities of a good test - Types of test items- Evaluation of projects, Seminars and Assignments - Achievement test, Diagnostic test – Construction, Characteristics, interpretation and remediation.
♦ Teacher - Qualities and Competencies - different roles - Personal Qualities - Essential teaching skills -Microteaching - Action research.
♦ Planning of instruction at Secondary level- Need and importance. Psychological bases of Teaching the subject - Implications of Piaget, Bruner, Gagne, Vygotsky, Ausubel and Gardener - Individual difference, Motivation, Maxims of teaching.
♦ Methods and Strategies of teaching the subject- Models of Teaching, Techniques of individualising instruction.
♦ Curriculum - Definition, Principles, Modern trends and organizational approaches, Curriculum reforms - NCF/KCF.
♦ Instructional resources- Laboratory, Library, Club,Museum- Visual and Audio-Visual aids - Community based resources - e-resources - Text book, Work book and Hand book.
♦ Assessment; Evaluation- Concepts, Purpose, Types, Principles, Modern techniques - CCE and Grading- Tools andtechniques - Qualities of a good test - Types of test items- Evaluation of projects, Seminars and Assignments - Achievement test, Diagnostic test – Construction, Characteristics, interpretation and remediation.
♦ Teacher - Qualities and Competencies - different roles - Personal Qualities - Essential teaching skills -Microteaching - Action research.
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