RCC staff nurse exam model questions and answers
1. Which of the following set is the evidence of evolution?
(a) Homologous and vestigial organs (√)
(b) Analogous and vestigial organs
(c) Homologous and analogous organs
(d) All of the above
2. Of the following anatomical structures, which is
homologous to the wing of a bat?
(a) The arm of a human(√)
(b) The wing of a butterfly
(c) The tail of a fish
(d) The dorsal fin of a shark
3. Which one of the following sets of structures includes
only analogous organs?
(a) Wings of butterfly, housefly and bat(√)
(b) Hind legs of horse
(c) Hands of man, monkey and kangaroo
(d) Mandibles of cockroach, mosquito and honeybee
4. Which of the following set represents all vestigial
structures in the human body?
(a) Vermiform appendix, body hair and cochlea
(b) Wisdom teeth, coccyx and patella
(c) Coccyx, vermiform appendix and muscles of ear pinna(√)
(d) Body hair, muscles of ear pinna and atlas vertebra
5. The earliest animal to have been domesticated by man most
likely the
(a) Horse
(b) Pig
(c) Dog(√)
(d) Cow
6. Presence of gill slits in the embryo of all vertebrates
supports the theory of
(a) Organic evolution
(b) Recapitulation(√)
(c) Metamorphosis
(d) Biogenesis
7. Appearance of ancestral characters in the new borne, such
as tail, multiple mammae, etc., are known as
(a) Homologous
(b) Analogous
(c) Atavistic(√)
(d) Vestigial
8. Evolution is defined as
(a) History of race
(b) Development of race
(c) History and development of race with variations(√)
(d) Progressive history of race
9. The book named “Philosophic zoologique” was published in
1809 and was written by:
(a) Mendel
(b) Darwin
(c) De Vries
(d) Lamarck(√)
10. Penguin is a bird that lost the use of its wings by not
flying. Such a statement would express the views of
(a) Darwin
(b) Wallace
(c) Lamarck(√)
(d) Huxley
11. A scientist kept 80 generations of Drosophila in
darkness, even after that the flies had normal eyes. This disapproves law of
(a) Natural selection
(b) Acquired characters(√)
(c) Use and disuse
(d) Synthetic theory
12. Weismann cut off tails of mice generation after
generation but tails neither disappeared nor shortened showing that
(a) Darwin
was correct
(b) Tail is an essential organ
(c) Mutation theory is wrong
(d) Lamarckism was wrong in inheritance of acquired
13. What did CHARLES DARWIN publish in 1859?
(a) Origin of Species by Natural selection(√)
(b) Species plantarum
(c) Philosophie Zoologique
(d) De Naturien Familien
14. The book ‘Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to
Sex’ was written by:
(a) Charles Darwin(√)
(b) J.B. Lamarck and C. Darwin
(c) F.B. Sumner and E. Darwin
(d) Robert Brown
15. Darwin
worked on Galapagos finches. The number of species of these finches is
(a) 10
(b) 12
(c) 14(√)
(d) 11
16. Which one of the following evolutionists proposed the
theory of evolution similar to
Charles Darwin’s?
(a) Alfred Russell Wallace(√)
(b) Erasmus Darwin
(c) Thomas Godfrey
(d) Thomas Robert Malthus
17. The ultimate source of organic variation is
(a) natural selection
(b) sexual reproduction
(c) hormonal action
(d) mutations(√)
18. World environment day is
(a) June 5(√)
(b) February 28
(c) August 5
(d) April 28
19. Tendon connects
(a) Cartilage with muscles
(b) Bone with muscles(√)
(c) Ligament with muscles
(d) Bone with bone
20. Sewage infection of water will be demonstrated by cysts
(a) Entamoeba(√)
(b) Escherichia coli
(c) Pseudomonas
(d) Leishmania
21. Which type of tissue forms glands?
(a) Epithelial(√)
(b) Connective
(c) Nervous
(d) Muscle
22. Eutrophication leads to death of fish due to
(a) Increased O2 content
(b) increased algae content
(c) decreased algae content
(d) Decreased O2 content(√)
23. Sebaceous glands are found in
(a) Dermis of skin of mammals(√)
(b) Epithelium of stomach of frog
(c) Epithelium of intestine of frog
(d) Epidermis of skin of mammals
24. Minamata disease is a pollution-related disease, which
results from
(a) Release of human organic waste into drinking water
(b) Accumulation of arsenic into atmosphere
(c) Release of industrial waste mercury into fishing
(d) Oil spills into sea
25. Which type of tissue forms the framework of the external
(a) Epithelial
(b) Connective(√)
(c) Muscle
(d) Nervous
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