Thursday, February 14, 2013

KSRTC reserve conductor mark standardization method and mark

Report of the Committee of the Statisticians, constituted by Kerala Public Service Commission for Standardisation of mark.

To check the mark click here

The Kerala Public Service Commission entrusted the committeewith the task of standardisation of  marks  obtained  by  candidates  in  three  examinations  on  three different  dates  with  different  question  papers  based  on  the  same  syllabus for the post of Reserve Conductor  in KSRTC.  The  committee  has  the  opinion  that  the standardization  is  required  only  if  there  is  significant  variation  in  difficulty  levels  in
between the different question papers.

One  cannot  determine  which  question  is  more  difficult  simply  by  reading  the questions.  It  is  not  fair  to  decide  a  question  is  more  difficult  based  on  intuition  or subjectivity  of  a  person.  The  decision  can  be  taken  only  based  on  empirical evidence.

So,  the  committee  decided  to  compute  the  index  of  difficulty  (difficulty  level)  of each  question  in  each  question  paper.  The  index  of  difficulty  (p)  of  a  question is  defined  as  the  proportion  of  correct  answers  of  that  question  (that  is the  number  of  correct  answers  of  the  question  divided  by  the  total number  of  candidates  who  wrote  the  examination  with  the  respective question  paper)(  Nitko  (1996),  Crocker  &  Algina,  1986).  The  larger  the proportion getting a question right, the easier the question. The higher the difficulty index indicates the easier the question and the lower the index of difficulty indicates the  question  is  difficult.  The  index  of  difficulty  will  be  always  in  between  0  and  1. The  index  of  difficulty‘0’ means  the  maximum  is  the  difficulty  and‘1’ means  the  difficulty  is  minimum.  There  are  two  practices  in  the  literature  for the computation of difficulty indices. 1) based on the upper 27% and the lower 27% groups  and  2)  based  on  the  total  candidates.  Several  studies  shown  that,  there  will be  no  significant  difference  in  difficulty  indices  based  on  two  procedures  when  the size  of  the  data  is  large.  Here  also  the  indices  based  on  two  procedures  computed and  confirmed  that  there  is  no  significant  variation  between  them.  Here,  we suggest the computation of difficulty indices based on total candidates

The  questions  in  each  question  papers  are  to  be  divided  into  five  strata  as follows:

for full details click here


  1. It s not gud way. I loss 5 marks. It means, my rank wil b go to downwards near 500. My hardwork, expectations everythng destroyd by this theory. Psc gt another chance to play with our future by this way. That s d fact
